These are the rules set out by Biggs, they generally look pretty sound, but if there are any suggestions for changes, or highlighting those that are not being adhered to or enforced strongly enough, that may be a good starting point?
'The community of SpursNetwork generally has a high tolerance level for the queens English and tries to support a humorous view on the mannerisms of it's members. Unfortunately there are some limits to our tolerance, to which simple rules can be applied.
Mind your manners.
We do not post Illicit material, including illegal downloads and so on.
We do not insult our fellow members with foul language or provocations.
We do not spam the forums.
Trolling and unnecessary posting will not be tolerated (i.e creating arguments for no reason). Warnings, suspensions or even permanent bans will be issued if deemed appropriate by senior staff. This also applies to heated arguments around teams, be they club or international. Keep it civil.
We do not promote racism and will clamp down on anyone showing any sort.
Think before you post; we're a friendly bunch, is your post going to contribute or detract from the community feel?
Text Speak; This place isn't a mobile phone, so type in a manor that doesn't require a code-breaker to understand what the hell you are trying to say.
Any member found to be in breach of these rules, may receive a warning which can lead to dismissal from this site.
All posts will be monitored.
Any posts or threads deemed inappropriate will be closed or deleted at the discretion of the staff team. You may or may not receive notification of this happening.
Advertising other sites without prior permission from a senior member of staff will be dealt with harshly. This includes other league sites, affiliate schemes and other such sites. Ask before you post.
The board of Admins decision is final.'