oh Millie Millie.... still the pretence of the 'ignore' button ploy eh...
for 1 thing, if you had me on 'ignore' you wouldnt have to renew the instruction everytime you logged on now would you.... tsk tsk....so now youre pretending to not have logged-in to get around the problem (even tho you know v.well you can setup auto-loggin)... but I see you couldnt resist replying in defence of a fellow Scot even if it meant inadventently destroying your elaborate subtafuge in the process.... face it, you LURVE reading my posts, but just hate to admit it
I like Jordan, he seems a sensible chap.... but I dont buy into this huge hype about being such a hardman.... think its really been propagated by his fearsome look since he lost his teeth... he's now a gaunt thin figure with very little to recommend his overblown image....
like I said, I'm not a Gattuso fan.... but if he had come to Spurs, I have no doubt that the likes of you would be exalting yet another averagely talented player as world-class, simply for looking rather annoyed with Life in general and speaking in a high volume...