Lets face it, look at our midfield! Erriksen creative attacking player great, Dembelle hard holding midfield player but not up to scratch going forward and no pace!, Sandro holding midfield player!, Lennon attacking winger THAT NEVER PLAYS DOWN THE WING JUST WONDERS INFIELD!!!, far to small gets knocked off the ball to easy!, Chadli, winger, not seen enough of him yet but still lacks enough pace for a really good winger!, Lamela..WHO? nowhere near as good as made out to be, shocking ball control!, Capouee ANOTHER HOLDING MIDFIELD PLAYER!!!, doubles up as a defender so that has some posetives!.
Siggursen attacking midfield player who is about average but lacks pace!, see the pattern emerging already ,...NO PACE IN OUR TEAM! NO REAL GOAL THREAT FROM MIDFIELD!!!!.theres no wonder we struggle this selection is not balanced to ever work, its not set up to play to there strengths, . we are nowhere near good enough.