Thanks for the tips! Much much appreciated! This whole process of getting tickets is so foreign to me!
So I have a few follow up questions for those in the know, who are so gracious as to help!
I signed up for a Bronze membership, and have zeroed in on the Stoke match up in late December. The hubby & I want to do New Years abroad this year, so this match fits into our time table perfectly. It looks like the on sale dates were finally announced, and Nov 4 it is!
How does it work in regards to getting two tickets sitting next to each other? If I read correctly, my membership only gets me 1 ticket, correct? Do I need to sign my husband up for a Bronze membership as well in order to accomplish this? Also, it says on sale time is 930AM UK time- I'm in California, so 1:30AM the 'night' before, correct?
Lastly, what is the consensus regarding best place to sit at the lane?
Thanks again for all the help! Couldn't do it without you guys!
PS- where can I find all the Spurs songs!?