But shouldn’t it be the government that shows the current prison sentence is working?
Yes, I guess the government should have to show the effectiveness of the current prison system. But this would involve them listening to the experts in this area, rather than having to say what they think the general public wants to hear, in order to be re-elected.
If there was evidence that it did not work, again they would need to look at the actual evidence and base any future decisions on that evidence, rather than making future decisions based on how they think they will be perceived by the general public.
Which is difficult when the general public are not experts and base their decisions on the way they were brought up and the experiences they have had. Which although valid as a personal viewpoint, does not necessarily match what is in the best interest for society as a whole.
But shouldn’t it be the government that shows the current prison sentence is working? And also all view points on here are personal, and would never change anybody’s mind.
If we are unwilling to change our minds we will never learn anything, the world stays as it is and we devolve as a species. Also what is the point of expressing our viewpoint as a poster on a forum at all? We may as well be telling it to the fridge.
I am not afraid to change my view through choice, learn from my mistakes and if there is compelling evidence that proves me wrong then my view will be changed by force if necessary. If we are not able to change when a better idea comes along, then there is no point us being here as readers either.