
Tottenham Discussion => Spurs Chat => Topic started by: ugs on June 02, 2011, 10:33:44 AM

Title: Next Season
Post by: ugs on June 02, 2011, 10:33:44 AM
Ok so last season has gone and we've done it to death depending which way you look at it it was either Good, Ok or Poor.
So let's get it over and done with early and start setting the bar too high for next season. I personally would hope that we would be able to push for 4th in the League, and a cup win maybe Europa but more realistically the FA Cup. I hope we kind of scout round the League Cup as it seems to be a bit of a poison challis if you win it, because it seems to end your season in March.
Obviously I would really hope to win the League, FA and League Cups along with the Europa Cup but realistically top 4 and a cup will do me.
Title: Re: Next Season
Post by: Holtspur on June 02, 2011, 10:37:43 AM
Top 4 and the FA Cup sounds good to me Ugs. If I was restricted to one wish, it would be Top 4 anyday! Once upon a time, winning the FA Cup was almost equal to winning the league in terms of bragging rights, but these days coming 4th is far better. Lets hope!
Title: Re: Next Season
Post by: Spurs218 on June 02, 2011, 10:51:08 AM
I'm seriously excited for next season, maybe more excited than I was for the season just gone. The Europa league is a top laugh and I believe we can win the thing.

4th will depend on if we bring anyone in.
Title: Re: Next Season
Post by: taimedowne on June 02, 2011, 02:33:26 PM
A lot will depend on the comings and goings. If we hang on to our top players and add some real quality we could do very well. It's about time we won the F.A cup again and we will be up there fighting for a CL place but it will be very hard to achieve. All the usual suspects will be up there and Liverpool cant be as bad again. Should be interesting I have a feeling we will cause a few upsets, as going away to the top teams has become a bit less daunting in the last few seasons, and thats a trend I can see continuing. Now if Harry can figure out how to beat the lesser lights we may well be on to something.
Title: Re: Next Season
Post by: Holtspur on June 02, 2011, 03:13:28 PM
Now if Harry can figure out how to beat the lesser lights we may well be on to something.
Now that would be an achievement!
Title: Re: Next Season
Post by: ugs on June 02, 2011, 03:17:22 PM
Now if Harry can figure out how to beat the lesser lights we may well be on to something.
Now that would be an achievement!

To be fair to 'Arry we created plenty of chances against everyone I think it's more the players need that killer instinct !!!!
Title: Re: Next Season
Post by: Metalanimal on June 02, 2011, 04:01:06 PM
For me its 4th place or higher and securing a CL spot is a must, I want to see us in that again ASAP so that will do me!

As for the Carling Cup lets use our fringe players please!

Title: Re: Next Season
Post by: Spurs218 on June 02, 2011, 04:03:01 PM
For me its 4th place or higher and securing a CL spot is a must, I want to see us in that again ASAP so that will do me!

As for the Carling Cup lets use our fringe players please!

Just not against the Woolwich lot, hate losing to them.
Title: Re: Next Season
Post by: Holtspur on June 02, 2011, 04:18:20 PM
For me its 4th place or higher and securing a CL spot is a must, I want to see us in that again ASAP so that will do me!

As for the Carling Cup lets use our fringe players please!

Just not against the Woolwich lot, hate losing to them.
If we draw Ars*nal in the Carling, we need our top boys as you say, just because its them!
Title: Re: Next Season
Post by: Spurs218 on June 02, 2011, 05:19:03 PM
For me its 4th place or higher and securing a CL spot is a must, I want to see us in that again ASAP so that will do me!

As for the Carling Cup lets use our fringe players please!

Just not against the Woolwich lot, hate losing to them.
If we draw Ars*nal in the Carling, we need our top boys as you say, just because its them!

I thought I didn't care about the CC last year but seeing them lot take the piss after beating us 4-1 made me feel sick.
Title: Re: Next Season
Post by: Holtspur on June 02, 2011, 06:13:21 PM
For me its 4th place or higher and securing a CL spot is a must, I want to see us in that again ASAP so that will do me!

As for the Carling Cup lets use our fringe players please!
Just not against the Woolwich lot, hate losing to them.
If we draw Ars*nal in the Carling, we need our top boys as you say, just because its them!

I thought I didn't care about the CC last year but seeing them lot take the piss after beating us 4-1 made me feel sick.
I agree. Bang on comment. Never again and never red!

Title: Re: Next Season
Post by: Holtspur on June 03, 2011, 10:30:48 AM
Friedel is definately coming.......oh whoopy do. What a bloody terrible way to demsonstrate to us fans the ambitions (or lack of it) of the club
Title: Re: Next Season
Post by: Metalanimal on June 03, 2011, 01:01:23 PM
FFS looks like Gomes is sure to go then  :'(

Where is the f**king future ambition in that signing and the future I mean is next season let alone further!
Title: Re: Next Season
Post by: COYSacrossthepond on June 03, 2011, 04:22:01 PM
FFS looks like Gomes is sure to go then  :'(

Where is the f**king future ambition in that signing and the future I mean is next season let alone further!

I have mixed emotions about the Friedel signing and i'm not totally sure yet what it means for next season. On one hand, we definitely want someone younger to come in and lock up our netminding for years to come.... but as I say that, who could we get who's under 30 for a reasonable price? Man City won't sell us Shay Given (he's not even that much younger than Friedel, actually) and Foster is bound to cost 10 to 15m, for a very young keeper who's still working the kinks out. Picking up Friedel on a free might actually give us the time we need. If he can give us 2 good years, then that's plenty of time for Levy to go out and find a good young keeper, or maybe even have one come up within the organization (i have no idea who's in our academy right now who's on the way up.)

I agree with Metal, though. I wouldn't be surprised to see Gomes out the door now, and it's not exactly my top pick for first signing of the summer... but I have enough trust in Levy to give this one some time to see how it plays out.
Title: Re: Next Season
Post by: taimedowne on June 03, 2011, 04:47:19 PM
They may well be thinking that Friedel will be a great help to the young keepers. He has loads of experience and will be an asset on the training ground. Anyway 40 is not that old for a keeper plenty of them are still playing at the top level well into there 40's. As long as he doesn't do to much bending down to pick the ball out of the net he will be fine. 
Title: Re: Next Season
Post by: Holtspur on June 03, 2011, 05:20:49 PM
If we are going for a relic, why not put Pat J back in goal! lol
Title: Re: Next Season
Post by: baldbloke on June 03, 2011, 06:33:34 PM
Top 4 and the FA Cup sounds good to me Ugs. If I was restricted to one wish, it would be Top 4 anyday! Once upon a time, winning the FA Cup was almost equal to winning the league in terms of bragging rights, but these days coming 4th is far better. Lets hope!

I know most people think I am doom and gloom, but I am  rarely wrong.

Modric, our best player by a mile is on his way. Enough dosh and we will also see the back of Bale. Our ambitions spread as far as Brad Friedel. To be honest this coming season may be the last year I renew my season ticket. In the cold light of day I believe the supporters ambitions out way the clubs ambitions by a mile !!
Title: Re: Next Season
Post by: Spurs218 on June 03, 2011, 06:39:19 PM
Top 4 and the FA Cup sounds good to me Ugs. If I was restricted to one wish, it would be Top 4 anyday! Once upon a time, winning the FA Cup was almost equal to winning the league in terms of bragging rights, but these days coming 4th is far better. Lets hope!

I know most people think I am doom and gloom, but I am  rarely wrong.

Modric, our best player by a mile is on his way. Enough dosh and we will also see the back of Bale. Our ambitions spread as far as Brad Friedel. To be honest this coming season may be the last year I renew my season ticket. In the cold light of day I believe the supporters ambitions out way the clubs ambitions by a mile !!

Wonder how many people didn't renew this year  :-\ One of my mates got f**ked over by the ticket office and couldn't renew his ST, home and away for 9 years, 600 odd LP and now he's been told he has to join the waiting list and loses all his points. Loyalty my f**king ass.
Title: Re: Next Season
Post by: Colspur66 on June 03, 2011, 06:56:33 PM
What happened to your mate at the ticket office 218?

I think that Friedel could actually be a shrewd move. He is an established reliable keeper and has cost nothing. This could be a short term ploy to save money at the moment to spend in other areas of the team where reinforcements are more urgently required. Then next window or summer we can look to spend big on a younger more long term keeper. 
Title: Re: Next Season
Post by: Spurs218 on June 03, 2011, 07:04:07 PM
Had a lot of personal issues going on and missed the deadline by a few days, he spoke to them and told them that he totally understands that he's to blame and asked if he could still renew (bare in mind that his ticket HASN'T been sold on) they said it too late and he would have to take a bronze membership out (£50 and goes to 41,000 on the waiting list + loses 9 years worth of points so won't be seeing any big games again) He's given up on Spurs and won't be attending another game, don't blame him, supporters are treated like s**t.
Title: Re: Next Season
Post by: Holtspur on June 03, 2011, 07:17:26 PM
Had a lot of personal issues going on and missed the deadline by a few days, he spoke to them and told them that he totally understands that he's to blame and asked if he could still renew (bare in mind that his ticket HASN'T been sold on) they said it too late and he would have to take a bronze membership out (£50 and goes to 41,000 on the waiting list + loses 9 years worth of points so won't be seeing any big games again) He's given up on Spurs and won't be attending another game, don't blame him, supporters are treated like s**t.
This is something that nice lady at the club should be told about.............whats her name again?
Title: Re: Next Season
Post by: Spurs218 on June 03, 2011, 07:26:34 PM
Had a lot of personal issues going on and missed the deadline by a few days, he spoke to them and told them that he totally understands that he's to blame and asked if he could still renew (bare in mind that his ticket HASN'T been sold on) they said it too late and he would have to take a bronze membership out (£50 and goes to 41,000 on the waiting list + loses 9 years worth of points so won't be seeing any big games again) He's given up on Spurs and won't be attending another game, don't blame him, supporters are treated like s**t.
This is something that nice lady at the club should be told about.............whats her name again?

Already been told, it was her who said nothing can be done and she is sorry but the customer can join the waiting list and she wishes to see him at the Lane next year as they value his support  :2funny: f**king joke.
Title: Re: Next Season
Post by: Colspur66 on June 03, 2011, 08:07:37 PM
218 Thats a disgusting way to treat a loyal fan. Problem is they just don't care cos they know there are people waiting to pounce. Looks like he is a victim of the clubs recent sucesses. >:( Notgood customer service.
Title: Re: Next Season
Post by: Spurs218 on June 03, 2011, 08:19:40 PM
If they had already sold the ticket then fair enough, but they haven't and it won't be sold for weeks. The fact that they have got rid of all his points is a complete joke. It's hard for non members to understand but basically he won't be able go to an away game again.
Title: Re: Next Season
Post by: Holtspur on June 04, 2011, 08:58:40 AM
There is a very strong danger of the club overestimating loyalty when the club is not showing it back to the fans. they just see nearly 25,000 on the waiting list (hence the need for a bigger stadium) and thinking to hell with individual instances. A very dangerous game especially when combined with Harry's disrespect of fans and dumbing down the squad..........people may just not be coming back.........this may all backfire on the club. what was it the great Keith Burkinshaw said when he left.........."there used to be a football club over there"
Title: Re: Next Season
Post by: Spurs218 on June 04, 2011, 09:05:36 AM
Can't see it ever getting to that as people like me and you will always want to attend the games. In regards to the waiting list, the 25,000 on the waiting list is incorrect, we actually have around 40K (I doubt most of these would take a ST if offered though)
Title: Re: Next Season
Post by: Holtspur on June 04, 2011, 10:43:21 AM
40k on the waiting list??? Really? Wow
Title: Re: Next Season
Post by: Spurs218 on June 04, 2011, 10:55:38 AM
Yep that's where my mate would have been put.
Title: Re: Next Season
Post by: Holtspur on June 04, 2011, 01:02:08 PM
Jeez..........poor guy............and very poor PR from the club
Title: Re: Next Season
Post by: Spurs218 on June 04, 2011, 01:05:20 PM
As I said, we're just customers, thanks for coming but next please, poor show.
Title: Re: Next Season
Post by: taimedowne on June 04, 2011, 01:14:17 PM
Your mate should contact the national press or the TV.  That's a disgrace and people should be shown how much these clubs value our support. Also it may do him some good as its amazing how a bit of adverse publicity can change the minds of  big organizations.
Title: Re: Next Season
Post by: Spurs218 on June 04, 2011, 01:19:26 PM
Talked about contacting the press but would they really care? I think he's just given up with Tottenham in general.
Title: Re: Next Season
Post by: Holtspur on June 04, 2011, 04:14:17 PM
I think thats a good idea to cntact the press. Spurs will not like it as it is on the back on the last club/fan issue of "idiots. The press will love it! And he will probably gets his ST as said!
Title: Re: Next Season
Post by: Spurs218 on June 04, 2011, 06:29:49 PM
Not gonna happen, guy has washed his hands with Spurs, 9 years, 500 odd points and 400 + games  :'(
Title: Re: Next Season
Post by: baldbloke on June 05, 2011, 10:25:22 AM
There is a very strong danger of the club overestimating loyalty when the club is not showing it back to the fans. they just see nearly 25,000 on the waiting list (hence the need for a bigger stadium) and thinking to hell with individual instances. A very dangerous game especially when combined with Harry's disrespect of fans and dumbing down the squad..........people may just not be coming back.........this may all backfire on the club. what was it the great Keith Burkinshaw said when he left.........."there used to be a football club over there"

Just a few points. The so called waiting list is over 40,000 and not 25,000. However in reality that number is much much lower. As a bronze member you get put on the waiting list whether you want a season ticket or not. I would be surprised if we could actually sell more than about 5,000 season tickets if they became available. So yes we do need a bigger stadium, but only by about another 10,000 seats.

Secondly, the club treats it's supporters like s**t and always has done.
Title: Re: Next Season
Post by: ugs on June 05, 2011, 10:43:05 AM
There is a very strong danger of the club overestimating loyalty when the club is not showing it back to the fans. they just see nearly 25,000 on the waiting list (hence the need for a bigger stadium) and thinking to hell with individual instances. A very dangerous game especially when combined with Harry's disrespect of fans and dumbing down the squad..........people may just not be coming back.........this may all backfire on the club. what was it the great Keith Burkinshaw said when he left.........."there used to be a football club over there"

Just a few points. The so called waiting list is over 40,000 and not 25,000. However in reality that number is much much lower. As a bronze member you get put on the waiting list whether you want a season ticket or not. I would be surprised if we could actually sell more than about 5,000 season tickets if they became available. So yes we do need a bigger stadium, but only by about another 10,000 seats.

Secondly, the club treats it's supporters like s**t and always has done.

Crikey Baldbloke you are a little ray of sunshine, every post is doom doom doom gloom and more doom. Can't you find anything good to say about anything!!!
Title: Re: Next Season
Post by: yidmafioso on June 05, 2011, 10:44:02 AM
I`m saying nothing until we know who`s staying and who`s going .If we lose any of the top boys levy can stick his membeship up his arse . :tickedoff:
Title: Re: Next Season
Post by: baldbloke on June 05, 2011, 10:52:27 AM
There is a very strong danger of the club overestimating loyalty when the club is not showing it back to the fans. they just see nearly 25,000 on the waiting list (hence the need for a bigger stadium) and thinking to hell with individual instances. A very dangerous game especially when combined with Harry's disrespect of fans and dumbing down the squad..........people may just not be coming back.........this may all backfire on the club. what was it the great Keith Burkinshaw said when he left.........."there used to be a football club over there"

Just a few points. The so called waiting list is over 40,000 and not 25,000. However in reality that number is much much lower. As a bronze member you get put on the waiting list whether you want a season ticket or not. I would be surprised if we could actually sell more than about 5,000 season tickets if they became available. So yes we do need a bigger stadium, but only by about another 10,000 seats.

Secondly, the club treats it's supporters like s**t and always has done.

Crikey Baldbloke you are a little ray of sunshine, every post is doom doom doom gloom and more doom. Can't you find anything good to say about anything!!!

Agree that I am a bit of a pessimist, however this comes from being a Spurs supporter for many many years. I have had personal dealings with the club on several occasions and always found them to very unhelpful.

We have the potential to be a massive club, however we aren't at present and that's why I KNOW we would not fill a 60,000 stadium. We need success first and a big stadium later. Every club in the world with a massive stadium has done it that way around. For some strange reason Levy and many of the Spurs supporters think it's possible to do it in reverse, and it simply isn't. The additional revenue from a larger stadium, even if we did fill it, would be pumped back in in order the club could actually pay for it. It would be many years before THFC had any money to pay for top players.

Our biggest problem is that we don't have a winning mentality and our Manager doesn't mind losing matches. Until the Chairman, the manager and the players start believing in the club we will never move on.
Title: Re: Next Season
Post by: ugs on June 05, 2011, 11:13:27 AM
I too have been a supporter for many years and in years gone by a season ticket holder and yes we have the potential to be a massive club. The difference between myself and you is I believe that we have started taking the right steps in the right direction to acheive this, we have the best squad that I can remember in 40 years with maybe the only exception of the team from around 86/87. We have a board that seems to understand what the club needs but keeps things in check whilst delivering support to the manager and we have a manager that understands the game and has got us playing some terrific football (at times) and needs to be given a bit more time to see if he can move us on again before we all start ripping him to pieces.
Now is not the time for argumnets and accusations now is the time for whole hearted backing and patience !!!!
Title: Re: Next Season
Post by: baldbloke on June 05, 2011, 11:44:22 AM
I too have been a supporter for many years and in years gone by a season ticket holder and yes we have the potential to be a massive club. The difference between myself and you is I believe that we have started taking the right steps in the right direction to acheive this, we have the best squad that I can remember in 40 years with maybe the only exception of the team from around 86/87. We have a board that seems to understand what the club needs but keeps things in check whilst delivering support to the manager and we have a manager that understands the game and has got us playing some terrific football (at times) and needs to be given a bit more time to see if he can move us on again before we all start ripping him to pieces.
Now is not the time for argumnets and accusations now is the time for whole hearted backing and patience !!!!

Disagree about the board. Yes they can manage money brilliantly, however I don't believe they share our ambitions. With regards to Arry, he will be off when England come calling, so giving him time is irrelevant. I agree that we have the best squad we have had for years, however Arry hasn't got their heads right yet and that's why we aren't in the CL. I also believe we are shortly going to lose Modric and quite possibly Bale.

I admire your optimism, but unfortunately I don't share it.
Title: Re: Next Season
Post by: ugs on June 05, 2011, 12:43:58 PM
Personally I don't think England will come calling for 'Arry due to shall we say his accounting issues, remember what happened to Venables !!!
Title: Re: Next Season
Post by: baldbloke on June 05, 2011, 01:24:08 PM
Personally I don't think England will come calling for 'Arry due to shall we say his accounting issues, remember what happened to Venables !!!

That's a fair point. However I'm pretty sure that at some point he will fall out with Levy and walk. I honestly don't see him as a long term manager and never have. I do however think he is a good manager, albeit not a brilliant one. I am surrounded at Spurs by people that positively hate him though, and would dearly love to see the back of him. If you read some of the posts on  the 1882 forum you will see that opinions are very mixed.
Title: Re: Next Season
Post by: Spurs218 on June 05, 2011, 02:39:09 PM
People who dislike Redknapp? 3/4 of the park lane dislike him, why do you think he doesn't have any chants.
Title: Re: Next Season
Post by: COYSacrossthepond on June 05, 2011, 03:18:41 PM
That's a fair point. However I'm pretty sure that at some point he will fall out with Levy and walk. I honestly don't see him as a long term manager and never have. I do however think he is a good manager, albeit not a brilliant one. I am surrounded at Spurs by people that positively hate him though, and would dearly love to see the back of him. If you read some of the posts on  the 1882 forum you will see that opinions are very mixed.

This is one of the reasons I for one wouldn't be upset to see the back of Harry.

Look, I know I'm definitely one of the Harry-bashers, and I've made no bones about it. I do want him out. But it's not because I hate him or think he's a terrible manager. He's a good manager. He's just not OUR good manager. Harry won't be around at spurs for the next 5 or 10 years, even if we secure CL football every season. It's just not his style. Since he left WHU, he's not stayed anywhere longer than 3 years, and we're coming up on that number now. With the england job calling, I can't see him staying around another 2. And that worries me. Look at the top level clubs; Man Utd, Chelsea, for many years Liverpool, and that Woolwich side. With the exception of Chelsea, they all have had relatively stable manager situations; and the only time that Chelsea have won anything was with Mourinho at the helm.

My point is this; I really truly feel that this upcoming season is going to be the most important one in terms of securing CL football. If we can manage it, we can keep the best players of our squad together, and look to improve and move up into the Elite of european football.

But if we can't manage to secure CL football this upcoming season, Modric, Bale, VdV, all our best players, are going to start looking around for a team that can give them CL football. We have to prove that we can get there with the talent we have right now if we want to keep that talent.

And i just don't trust Harry to make that happen. I don't hate him, though I am very very frustrated with him at times.  Let's sum it up this way; If we secure CL football this upcoming season, Harry's managing won't be the reason. And as someone who wants the best for Spurs, I want a manager who can put us over the top like that.

I would love for Harry to do that, and for him to stick around the next 10 years. I just can't imagine that being the case.
Title: Re: Next Season
Post by: Holtspur on June 06, 2011, 06:28:30 PM
I think Harry has his day in court later this month/early next.........will be interesting to see what happens regarding his relationship with the Board and the FA if the case goes against him. I sincerely hope that Levy has a Plan B to bring in a replacement......I know it wont be BMJ because of the way Levy treated him at the end, but he would be my first choice and I believe Park Lane would like it too!
Title: Re: Next Season
Post by: Spurs218 on June 06, 2011, 07:18:06 PM
Big man is always welcome back  :up: Seems he'll be at Fulham next year, can't wait to get his songs going again.
Title: Re: Next Season
Post by: StartingPrice on June 13, 2011, 12:34:44 AM
Keep all of our top players.
Recruit in the right places.
Added year's experience for our oyung squad.
Tick all of these and I think we could really spring a surpirse next seaosn.

If the task is to set the bar too high, I'll have a stab - win the EPL :up:
Title: Re: Next Season
Post by: Holtspur on June 16, 2011, 02:54:03 PM
Top 3 would be where I would like to see us
Title: Re: Next Season
Post by: YankSpur703 on June 22, 2011, 04:20:28 PM
Friedel's signing is clearly intended to light a fire under Gomes' hindquarters. This could go 2 ways. Ideally, this gets Gomes to buckle down and solidify his technique, helping take him to be one of the top 5 goalkeepers in the world. Or, Gomes spirals completely out of it, and we have to move him on, but Friedel gives us 2 good years to find a suitable replacement.
Title: Re: Next Season
Post by: COYSacrossthepond on June 22, 2011, 07:46:29 PM
As long as we're back in the top 4 next season. It's all i care to see. It's stupid hard to get Spurs on the TV here in the States when they're not playing Champs League footy.
Title: Re: Next Season
Post by: Spurs218 on June 22, 2011, 07:49:49 PM
As long as we're back in the top 4 next season. It's all i care to see. It's stupid hard to get Spurs on the TV here in the States when they're not playing Champs League footy.

Yea the 12 games in the Champions league were amazing but I wanna see us lift a trophy again. To win the Europa league this year would be better than losing the champions league final. I'd love to see the win a cup and to do it in Europe too.
Title: Re: Next Season
Post by: YankSpur703 on June 22, 2011, 08:40:46 PM
As much as I want to see THFC lift a trophy, the Europa League is a LOT of travel and work for the players for a relatively minimal payout, especially in comparison to the CL. There is a great article about the difference in Europa League and Champions League payouts, I'll post it at the bottom. Basically, we should make a good show in Europe, but not kill ourselves, our main focus needs to be on domestic cups, and most importantly, regaining a top 4 spot and CL football.

Article on CL v. Europa Payouts:
http://avoidingthedrop.com/2010/09/17/money-in-europe-looking-back-on-2009-10-and-ahead-to-2010-11/ (http://avoidingthedrop.com/2010/09/17/money-in-europe-looking-back-on-2009-10-and-ahead-to-2010-11/)
Title: Re: Next Season
Post by: Spurs218 on June 22, 2011, 09:29:32 PM
Professional footballers should be able to play on a Thursday and a Sunday! They're not walking they're flying first class and staying in five star hotels!

We don't need to play our big guns until the later rounds of the competition, but at least show the cup and fans some respect by giving it a go.

Forget the money for now, I want glory!
Title: Re: Next Season
Post by: YankSpur703 on June 23, 2011, 12:45:19 AM
Well, regardless of whether or not you think professional footballers should be able to play on a Thursday and a Sunday (and I'm inclined to agree with you), this season was clearly indicative of what happens when you fail to rotate your squad AT ALL. I firmly believe it contributed to the injuries to Modric, VDV, Gallas, and Bale, all of whom either missed significant stretches (Modric, Bale) or were nursing nagging injuries throughout the 2nd half of the season (Gallas, VDV). To expect players to play 2x in 4 days is fine every once in awhile, but to expect it week in and week out is pure lunacy with a squad as deep and talented as ours. There is no reason that Krancjar should have sat the bench as much as he did. I'm not advocating Harry play an entire 2nd squad in the Europa League. Just that if we're hosting Chelski on the weekend, I wouldn't mind seeing Pienaar and Rose in place of BAE and Bale for at least 45mins. Getting a top 4 spot HAS to be top priority. I'd list our competitions for next year in order of importance like so:

2)FA Cup
3)Europa League
4)League Cup
Title: Re: Next Season
Post by: Holtspur on June 23, 2011, 07:30:11 AM
Good point re Krankers..............its been a hot topic on here all last season and many of us are great fans of him. Will be sad when he goes
Title: Re: Next Season
Post by: Spurs218 on June 23, 2011, 08:31:00 AM
Gotta be Europe over the FA cup for me. That run to the last 8 a few years back was some of the best fun I've ever had. Would love a day back at Wembley though...
Title: Re: Next Season
Post by: Spurs218 on June 23, 2011, 08:58:36 AM
Anyone know if Sevilla are in the Europa league this year? Would love to get them, serious unfinished business with them after the way we were knocked our.
Title: Re: Next Season
Post by: RiffHard on June 23, 2011, 10:49:21 AM
Anyone know if Sevilla are in the Europa league this year? Would love to get them, serious unfinished business with them after the way we were knocked our.
Sevilla finished fifth and are also in Europa League play-offs.
Title: Re: Next Season
Post by: Spurs218 on June 23, 2011, 10:54:59 AM
Nice one. Hope we get them at some stage.
Title: Re: Next Season
Post by: Holtspur on June 23, 2011, 05:04:06 PM
be nice to put them to the sword!
Title: Re: Next Season
Post by: WilsonJet on June 23, 2011, 06:22:57 PM
As long as we're back in the top 4 next season. It's all i care to see. It's stupid hard to get Spurs on the TV here in the States when they're not playing Champs League footy.

I feel your pain, but Tottenham is on Fox Soccer Channel quite a bit. Even if you can't see the game live, they replay almost every game. And every early game is broadcast on ESPN2. With the number of feeds available out there, the only games I can't watch are in the early rounds of the Carling Cup. Get you one of those cool wireless television adapters and watch the stream in your living room.
Title: Re: Next Season
Post by: Spurs218 on June 23, 2011, 06:24:34 PM
be nice to put them to the sword!

Be nice to smash them like the old bill did to some of our fans...........
Title: Re: Next Season
Post by: Derry-Yid on June 23, 2011, 06:26:42 PM
Steed Malbranque any0ne :hide:
Title: Re: Next Season
Post by: Holtspur on June 24, 2011, 06:51:45 AM
Steed was good for us down the left at the time, but we now have Bale and Rose, plus he is over the hill now for a winger
Title: Re: Next Season
Post by: Derry-Yid on June 24, 2011, 09:49:00 AM
Steed was good for us down the left at the time, but we now have Bale and Rose, plus he is over the hill now for a winger

I was on about the own goal he scored against Seville mate!
Title: Re: Next Season
Post by: Spurs218 on June 24, 2011, 11:53:58 AM
Steed was good for us down the left at the time, but we now have Bale and Rose, plus he is over the hill now for a winger

I was on about the own goal he scored against Seville mate!

Forget that! What about that stupid pen they got!
Title: Re: Next Season
Post by: Holtspur on June 24, 2011, 05:17:11 PM
Steed was good for us down the left at the time, but we now have Bale and Rose, plus he is over the hill now for a winger

I was on about the own goal he scored against Seville mate!
Sorry, forgot about that. Yeah.........bonkers and embarrassing!
Title: Re: Next Season
Post by: baldbloke on June 25, 2011, 09:07:46 AM
Any cup and a top four spot. The problem is that it won't happen. Man Ure will probably win it, Chelsea and Man Citeh will spend big and come 2nd and 3rd, and whether you like it or not those lot up the road will almost certainly be in the top four, and if they aren't Liverpool will be. In reality I think unless we actually get the check book out 6th is the best we can hope for, especially if we lose Modders. We spent very little last year and we still have the CL money, however though knowing what Levy is like he would rather add this to the clubs profit margin
and pay the board of directors a whopping bonus.
Title: Re: Next Season
Post by: gelanbag on June 27, 2011, 10:10:00 AM
We must think of ways to beat Barcelona
Title: Re: Next Season
Post by: Metalanimal on June 27, 2011, 04:58:34 PM
 :2funny: :2funny: na mate for me priority is working out how to beat teams like Wigan and other in the EPL, worry about Barca if we can do that and secure CL footi again.

 :up: :up:
Title: Re: Next Season
Post by: COYSacrossthepond on June 28, 2011, 10:03:34 PM
:2funny: :2funny: na mate for me priority is working out how to beat teams like Wigan and other in the EPL, worry about Barca if we can do that and secure CL footi again.

 :up: :up:

 :up: spot on. As long as we take more than the 7(?) points from the bottom three we took last year, i'll not care if we lose to Barcelona 100-0 every time we play them.
Title: Re: Next Season
Post by: ugs on June 29, 2011, 10:14:52 AM
To be fair the key to winning the league or in our case finishing top 4 is simply to beat the teams in the bottom 12 of the premier league home and away. The teams in the top 8 win at home and draw away.... I know its a very simple way to look at things but that should be our aim. If we can't do that then at least draw away from home against as many teams as possible.
I know I know but you can dream once in a while .........
Title: Re: Next Season
Post by: baldbloke on July 07, 2011, 09:14:42 AM
Ok so last season has gone and we've done it to death depending which way you look at it it was either Good, Ok or Poor.
So let's get it over and done with early and start setting the bar too high for next season. I personally would hope that we would be able to push for 4th in the League, and a cup win maybe Europa but more realistically the FA Cup. I hope we kind of scout round the League Cup as it seems to be a bit of a poison challis if you win it, because it seems to end your season in March.
Obviously I would really hope to win the League, FA and League Cups along with the Europa Cup but realistically top 4 and a cup will do me.

Impossible to make any predictions until the transfer window closes. If our squad were to stay the same, your prediction of 4th is out of the question. Man Ure, Chelski, Citeh and Liverpool now have much stronger squads. Ars*nal will no doubt spend some of the money they get for the players they are selling, and I think it would be foolish to under estimate them. At best 6th I am afraid. A top class centre half and a striker may well change things though.

As far as cups are concerned, it is impossible to make any predictions. We could well get drawn against Chelsea in the first round of both domestic cups and get knocked out straight away. The one thing you can be sure of is that Arry will play weakened sides in the Europa cup, and with a bit of luck we will get knocked out early
Title: Re: Next Season
Post by: a12 warrior on July 20, 2011, 04:12:40 PM
Europa cup to many games to play!!!! the priority has to be the 4th spot, if Spurs can pick up a cup along the way great!!
But really its about being top 4 and Champs Lge or have I got it wrong????
Title: Re: Next Season
Post by: Spurs218 on July 20, 2011, 06:06:41 PM
I want a European cup.
Title: Re: Next Season
Post by: gilzeantheking on July 27, 2011, 08:58:20 AM
The longer this window goes on with no ins and outs the more uneasy I am getting. IMO we desperately need to replace at least 2 of the strikers. The new season is looming ever closer and we still have no movement.
Title: Re: Next Season
Post by: Metalanimal on July 29, 2011, 01:36:46 PM
Levy is being clever he will be hoping to snatch a good deal on the last day of the transfer window so they have sell on value, thing is we all know that our previous luck with VdV will not be repeated again as proven in the last window.

If Levy is serious about us making top 4 and moving forward next season the cheque book needs opening and decent quality signings made now!  Least we cant bid for Charlie Adams in the last minute WTF was that all about!

Title: Re: Next Season
Post by: a12 warrior on July 29, 2011, 02:26:59 PM
Truth is unless you pay Big Money and Big Wages you will not get the really top players (Spurs do neither)
Levey buys young players in the hope he can turn a profit end of.
Spurs should have bought Charlie Adam last year and paid the money instead of offering a pittance!!!
There is no doubt in my mind the guy will revitalise Liverpool, and score a few goals to boot!!!!