Spurs could be forced back into the European Super league

Spurs could be forced back into the European Super league

Madrid’s 17th court judge has ruled that the nine clubs who announced their withdrawal from the European Super League are still legally part of the project. As we all know, the big six’ club of England were among the 12 teams who signed up for the breakaway competition. Then the fun and games started (everybody was hostile to the breakaway), and the English clubs were forced to withdraw from the tournament following a wave of fan protests. Spurs, Chelsea, Liverpool, United, Arsenal and City, apologised to the fans for signing up to the league. Red faces everywhere.

Then the fines came, and the big clubs accepted their punishments; Real Madrid, Barcelona and Juventus, however, have continued to insist that the Super League idea is still alive.

Real Madrid, Barcelona and Juventus have now successfully taken legal action against UEFA to clamp down the breakaway league.

It was reported by the Daily Mail that Madrid’s 17th Court has ruled that the penalty imposed on the 12 clubs must be removed while the ongoing disciplinary proceedings against the three European clubs should be stopped.  The report also explains that the case will now be assessed by the European Court of Justice in Luxembourg.

But there is also a bombshell for the clubs who apologised and left; the judge also ruled that all the clubs who signed up for the competition have not officially left. This will put the cat amongst the pigeons.

The Judge, Ruiz de Lara,  stated: “The Superliga project continues with the participation of all the founding clubs without the resignation of any founding club with legal effects. The news or press releases referred to by the appellant are insufficient, as reason for its imprecision, for such purposes.”

A joint statement by Barcelona, Real Madrid and Juventus:

“FC Barcelona, Juventus, and Real Madrid CF welcome today’s Court’s decision enforcing, with immediate effect, UEFA’s obligation to unwind the actions taken against all European Super League founding clubs, including terminating the disciplinary proceedings against the undersigning three clubs and removing the penalties and restrictions imposed on the remaining nine founding clubs for them to avoid UEFA’s disciplinary action. The Court backs the request made by the promoters of the European Super League, dismisses UEFA’s appeal, and confirms its warning to UEFA that failure to comply with its ruling shall result in fines and potential criminal liability. The case will be assessed by the European Court of Justice in Luxembourg, which shall review UEFA’s monopolistic position over European football.  We have the duty to address the very serious issues facing football: UEFA has established itself as the sole regulator, exclusive operator, and unique owner of rights of European football competitions. This monopolistic position, in conflict of interest, is damaging football and its competitive balance. As shown by ample evidence, financial controls are inadequate, and they have been improperly enforced. Clubs participating in European competitions have the right to govern their own competitions. We are pleased that going forward, we will no longer be subject to ongoing UEFA’s threats. Our aim is to keep developing the Super League project in a constructive and cooperative manner, always counting on all football stakeholders: fans, players, coaches, clubs, leagues, and national and international associations. We are aware that there are elements of our proposal that should be reviewed and, of course, can be improved through dialogue and consensus. We remain confident in the success of a project that will be always compliant with European Union laws.”


Our English clubs have got themselves into an interesting pickle. So, what happens next? The clubs now will have to wait to see what the European Court declares. If the Court favours the rogue European teams, the six English participants could find themselves back in the competition, and if they fail to honour their contract, they could be sued left, right, and centre.  Also; the English clubs are not under the umbrella of the European courts anymore so how will any such ruling affect them? Or even the English FA or the Premier League. All makes for interesting times ahead. But saying that, I can’t see the six English clubs meekly going back in, as they know what happened last time.

Be safe, Glenn

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