Hi hall, I have another Don Scully article for you. This time he looks at Greed, Levy not spending the money to make us an elite club, how Daniel benefited from this Superleague (more than the others) and who could be our next manager… and much more. Thank you.
This article appears on the website spursnetwork.com, its Facebook page and other Spurs Facebook pages. Thanks, Glenn
Capitulated & upset Daniel Levy’s prospect of earning even more money.
By Don Scully
As you know, the club had confirmed that they have begun withdrawing from the European Super League. In other words, they ejaculated before entering the tunnel of plenty.
First, the Russians got cold feet and started wetting their knickers, then City-shitty-Titty-Bang-Bang followed suit (or as some claim, it was the other way around) and then we did, along with the three remaining clubs (the scousers, shit-rakers and the red sewage part of Manchester). These clubs, plus Barcelona, Inter Milan, AC Milan, Juventus and Real Madrid, sparked outrage throughout the footballing world and beyond. There hasn’t been such Unity across the globe since the mighty free armies of the world conquered the Nazi’s and Japans.
However, one brave soul amongst the group raised his head above the parapet and made a statement in defence of the billionaires elite club, Real Madrid supremo Florentino Perez, whose club has agreed to join the new ESL. He said they were doing it to “save football”. Ahhhhhhh… they care! Nothing to do with greed, or elitism or any other self-interests, but to “save football”. Maybe they all should get a Noble peace prize for their kindness towards the sport? To be fair on Florentino Perez, he was the only one who had the guts to stand up and defend the Greedy pig’s society. Where was our Daniel Levy in all this? Probably hiding in the toilets and phoning his accountant to see if his money-making empire had suffered a hit; bless!
The FA had welcomed the withdrawal of English clubs from the proposed Super League, praising fans for their “influential and unequivocal voice” on the subject (you are welcome).
A statement on Tottenham’s official website read: “We can confirm that we have formally commenced procedures to withdraw from the group developing proposals for a European Super League (ESL).” Daniel Levy added: “We regret the anxiety and upset caused by the ESL proposal. We felt it was important that our club participated in the development of a possible new structure that sought to better ensure financial fair play and financial sustainability whilst delivering significantly increased support for the wider football pyramid. We believe that we should never stand still and that the sport should constantly review competitions and governance to ensure the game we all love continues to evolve and excite fans around the world. We should like to thank all those supporters who presented their considered opinions.” Nothing about greed, good ol’ Daniel. Next up on the agenda will be a statue erected in his honour for trying to make the club a self-serving-elite-piggies-trough.
Anyway, out of all the other clubs/ chairmen that participated in this failure Daniel Levy would have gained the most. As you long-suffering Spurs fans know, Daniel wants his cake and eat it. In other words, he wants to be up there with the elite of football, but he is not prepared to put the same into the Transfer kitty as the other top five English clubs do. Which would have created a vicious conundrum for him. He wanted success on the field without paying for it.
This European Super League would have allowed him to get the billions without building a great team or getting relegated. In fact, he could have put out the youngsters, managed them himself, ended up bottom of the table year-after-year, but claiming the same amount of money as the other founding fathers (notice, no mothers). This would be an ideal situation for somebody whose’s priority is to build an empire without putting money in (apart from the bare minimum). This has Daniel’s name stamped all over it.
What happens next?
Well, I have no doubt that Levy and co will try to resurrect the project, but in a different form… such as relegation from the league. If money is your motive and life long goal, then a defeat only means taking a different path, but with the same goal; enriching the rich.
My personal views are that all clubs should be allowed to participate (if they overcome certain specific criteria, i.e. earning their right to be there). Daniel Levy must start to realise that if he wants Tottenham to be up there with the elites and be part of the top-six-leaders of English football, then he must put in the funds and not try to get it on the cheap, which he has been doing ever since arriving at Tottenham 20 years ago, that is why we’ve only won one trophy – and a minor one at that – in 20 years of his reign. Maybe he is a great businessman (however, on the latest developments, he might lose that tag pretty quick), but he isn’t a footballing chairman.
Potential managers to replace Mourinho
On the subject of potential replacements for Mourinho, this might explain why I say Levy hasn’t got the best interests of the Tottenham team at heart (just the Money-Machine-Arena).
All the other top five elite English and European clubs, when they are looking for the best manager money can buy, go for the best-proven-track record. We (the club), on the other hand, try to cut corners and get them at low-cost; either past their sell-by date (Mourinho), did miracles with a club, but are basically a novice (Pochettino) or somebody wet behind the ears (like Sherwood or Ryan Mason, even though Ryan’s position is a stop-gap).
According to a report in The Guardian, England manager Gareth Southgate and Belgium manager Roberto Martinez are on Tottenham’s radar this summer. Both are failures in my eyes/ or haven’t achieved anything substantial.
Julian Nagelsmann is Levy’s number one target, but the club are also exploring other alternatives, including Brendan Rodgers, Scott Parker and Graham Potter, as they are worried that Bayern Munich may move for the RB Leipzig boss. Who the fuck…! No great masterminds in the footballing brains department here or are still on the path of making their name.
There is a report out saying that Levy wants to appoint an attack-minded coach who has strong credentials in developing young players. Of course he does; young players come pretty cheap. The best players in the world you have to fork out for. Levy doesn’t want to do that… he wants players cut-rate to save him money (more money in his pocket).
Out of that group (above), the best one is, in my mind, is Nagelsmann ~But Scott Park, God help us!
Daniel Levy seems to be building an empire, but at the same time digging a massive hole for the Tottenham team to be buried in.
I don’t have a problem trying to make the best money for the club, so long as the team benefited. Levy must remember that we started off in 1882 as a football club and only a football club. The rest came later. What would Bobby Buckle (the founding father) think of all this shit? And what about Bill Nicholson? Granted, I accept that society must move on, and nothing stands still. But when one moves on, you’ve got to take the team with you, not just the name to make a profit. Without Glory, without success, the club is nothing.
Maybe you think differently? Please, tell me I am wrong… after all, it is your (and my) club
By the way, I believe Levy wants to change our Motto; from Audere est Facere (“To Dare Is to Do”) to “Enrich one’s self is to Dare, to give money to the team is foolish.” At the moment, that sums it up.
By Don Scully.

I have been following Spurs since the sixties and work in London. My current job is as a professional writer (working in the media), and I have work connections to the club and had previously worked for them. Including working at the old White Hart Lane stadium.
I also have my own blog and have written for the SpursWeb app & its website.