Spurs programmes for the last home games of season 2019/ 20

Spurs programmes for the last home games of season 2019/ 20

For those of you, like me, who collect programmes, Spurs will be doing home programmes for the rest of the season. That is a hard copy and digital.  I also believe that the away games (the clubs) will also be printing programmes, but you will have to check with them.

I have programmes going back to the twenties, but mainly from the end of the Second World War. I also collect Spurs Handbooks, and I have them going back to the twenties—the complete collection from the beginning of the thirties.

There were no Handbooks printed between 1940 to 1947 because of the war and paper shortage.

Another one of my hobbies is collecting books on Spurs, their players etc. I have every book on the history of the club, and I think most of all the Spurs players.

I only started collected way programmes a few years ago; however, European matches don’t always produce them or very rarely.  The European Champions Legue Cup Final did provide one. This was between Liverpool and us.

The sales of programmes over the years has started to dwindle, and my biggest fear is that clubs switch to digital programmes. To me, this is no good. If they started doing that, I would rather go back to the days when clubs only released a two or one-page piece of paper with all your details on them.

For those that still collect programmes and want to pick up old ones then there is either Football programme fairs or eBay.

At one time Spurs used to do Binders for programmes, but this was stopped a few years ago because sales started to dwindle.

So, there you have it, a bit of worthless information on my habits or peculiarities… at least they can’t touch you for it… well… certify you… but that is another story.

Going back to the Spurs programmes; I believe Tottenham will issue you a statement on when and how you can get your programmes. Keep an eye on their website for more details. Link below

Tottenham Hotspur web site link

Take care and be safe.



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